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1991 SWS Set C: [Unselect all] [Edit list]
Total employees and self-employed (10%)
2011 SRS Merged LA/LA [Location of usual residence and second address by sex (with 'second address outside UK' collapsed)] - RU02AEW - Open: [Unselect all] [Edit list]
All usual residents with a second address
2013 SSS Merged LA/LA [Local Authority cross border movement matrix of state-funded special school pupils resident in England] - 14C: [Unselect all] [Edit list]
State-funded special school pupils resident in England
2001 SMS Level 2: [Unselect all] [Edit list]
Total migrants [Table MG201]
2014 SSS Merged LA/LA [Local Authority cross border movement matrix of state-funded secondary school pupils resident in England] - 14B: [Unselect all] [Edit list]
State-funded secondary school pupils resident in England
1991 SWS Set C (inc. home-workers in intra-zonal flow): [Unselect all] [Edit list]
Total employees and self-employed (10%)
2001 STS Level 3: [Unselect all] [Edit list]
Total persons (inc. those who do not work or study)
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Total migrants
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Sample internal migration data. Contains a blurred count of migrants between and within districts, 1990-91
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