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data selection Status: 6 data items currently selected
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Interaction data

1991 SMS Set 1 [Unselect all]
[Total] Total migrants
2011 SSS Scotland only Council Areas - Open [Unselect all]
[Total] All people aged 4 and over studying the week before the census
2011 SWS OA:WPZ [Location of usual residence and place of work (with 'outside UK' collapsed)] - WF02EW - Open [Unselect all]
[Total] All usual residents aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census
2011 SMS Merged LA/LA:Country [Origin and destination of international migrants by age (grouped)] - MU01BUK_non_uk - Open [Unselect all]
[Total] All usual residents who were living outside the UK one year ago
2011 SWS Merged LA/LA [Location of usual residence and place of work by sex] - WU01UK - Open [Unselect all]
[Total] All usual residents aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census
2011 SMS Merged LA/LA [Origin and destination of migrants by age (grouped)] - MU01BUK_all - Open [Unselect all]
[Total] All usual residents who were living at a different address one year ago

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