- Data
- Geography
- Finalise
- Run
- Output
Data | Status: 5 data items currently selected [Unselect all] |
Select a data set from which to build an aggregate variable
2011 SMS Merged LA/LA [Origin and destination of international migrants by age (broad grouped) by sex] - MM01CUK - Open | 2011 Census Special Migration Statistics Merged LA/LA [Origin and destination of international migrants by age (broad grouped) by sex] - MM01CUK - Open |
2001 STS Level 1 | Council Area level travel data from the 2001 Census (Scotland only) |
2001 SMS Level 2 (Scotland: postal sectors) | Postal sectol level migration data from the 2001 Census |
2011 SSS Scotland only Council Areas - Open | 2011 Census Special Student Statistics Scotland only Council Areas - Open |
1991 SMS Set 2 | District level migration data from the 1991 Census |
- Start over deriving variables
- Data selection return to general data selection page
- Query builder return to general query interface page