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2011 Special Workplace Statistics - MSOA Level (England and Wales) - Open Government License

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Further information

The following pre-defined totals are available from this data set:

There are 3 tables defined for this data set:

The data are available for the following geographies:

Geographies of origin areas Geographies of destination areas
Supported directly
England and Wales (only) Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) 2011

England and Wales (only) Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) 2011

2011 E&W SWS data - flows to Scotland and Northern Ireland

2011 UK SWS additional workplace codes

Table frameworks

Table WU01EW: Location of usual residence and place of work by sex:
All categories: Sex 1
Male 2
Female 3
Table WU02EW: Location of usual residence and place of work by age:
All categories: Age 16 and over 1
16-24 2
25-34 3
35-49 4
50-64 5
65-74 6
75+ 7
Table WU03EW: Location of usual residence and place of work by method of travel to work:
All categories: Method of travel to work 1
Work mainly at or from home 2
Underground, metro, light rail, tram 3
Train 4
Bus, minibus or coach 5
Taxi 6
Motorcycle, scooter or moped 7
Driving a car or van 8
Passenger in a car or van 9
Bicycle 10
On foot 11
Other method of transport to work 12

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