What data sets do CIDS provide access to?
We provide migration and commuting data sets from 1981 and 1991, and will provide similar data sets from the 2001 Census when they become available. A further interaction data set from 1991 is one detailing flows of students from usual / parental residences to term-time addresses.
The migration data are based on a 1-year retrospective question on former residence: i.e. ‘what was your usual residence 1 year ago?’. A similar question in recent US Censuses has asked for place of residence 5 years previously.
Journey-to-work flows are recorded by the place of work as indicated on the Census form. A similar place of work question was asked on the US Census form.
What about non-UK data?
Our funding only enables us to provide access to UK Census data. However, the software is designed to be flexible, and could in principle provide access to any interaction data that can be represented in the form:
where v are a set of aggregate counts detailing the flow between the origin and the destination.