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Question 2:
How did the social structure of commuting flows in Leeds vary spatially in 1991?
Construct a query that gives journey to work flows to the two central wards of Leeds from the other wards of Leeds and from the six districts around Leeds, disaggregated by social class (six categories)
Extract the data and transfer to Excel. Add the flows into the two destinations together and compute the percentages of the flows from each origin to central Leeds in each of the 6 social classes
Rank the origins on percentage of the flow in ‘Professional’ category and plot the percentages in each social class for each origin area using a 100% Stacked Column graph which allows comparison of percentage that each value contributes across total categories
Produce two maps of the proportion of commuters to central Leeds that are in social classes 1 (Professional) and 5 (Unskilled)
What do you conclude about the spatial variation in the social class of commuters in Leeds?