These are examples of in-line options and warnings.
The grey box is shown when the user has selected data from the 1991 SMS. This data set included a count of migrants from unstated origins. Experience with users shows that the value in this count is frequently ignored; however it can contain a significant number of migrants. A warning is thus issued to users suggesting that they include the value.
The red box warns about large amounts of output. One of the characteristics of interaction data is that output volumes can be large. If n origin areas and m destination areas have been selected, then the output size will be proportional to n × m. The threshold for ‘large’ output is configured within the WICID code.
Note that the output size is an estimate. All output is generated dynamically, and the true size remains unknown until it is actually generated. The size depends on various formatting options. The estimation algorithm is basic and is scheduled to be improved in future.