Flow Data Information System

1991 Census: Special Workplace Statistics (Set B)

The 1991 SWS derive from two questions in the 1991 Census about place of usual residence and place of work. There are three sets of tables (SWS Sets A, B and C). Set A and Set B provide data on the employed and self-employed population by residential and workplace respectively. SWS Set C is the data set that involves interaction flow data that are accessible through WICID.

SWS Set B are the aggregate journey-to-work flows to each workplace ward (in England and Wales) or postcode sector (in Scotland) from all residences.

Set B contains 9 tables with a total of 568 counts, including sub-totals. These tables are on the same themes as those in Set C, with the addition of a table about type of workplace.

All the data were obtained from a 10% sample and therefore problems of adjustment to preserve confidentiality are not encountered. Users will need to multiply raw data by 10 if wanting to determine actual commuting levels. Users should also be aware that the commuting data on intra-ward flows can be selected that distinguishes those people who work at home from those who commute to work within the same ward.

Usage advice

Unlike most of the data sets accessible through WICID, 1991 SWS Set B are not true interaction data, and cannot be freely aggregated. Consequently, they are only available at ward level.

In order to extract data, users should select some destinations (workplaces) of interest from the 1991 ward geography, and then one origin ward from the same geography. The origin ward functions as a dummy, and is required for WICID to be able to work with this data.

Matrix output cannot be generated from SWS Set B; rather users should select pair-list or table framework output.


Flowerdew, R. and Green, A. (1993) Migration, transport and workplace statistics from the 1991 Census, in Dale A. and Marsh, C. (eds) The 1991 Census User's Guide, HMSO, London: 269-94.

Citation information

The following statements should be attached to all output produced using this data set

Data from this set should be cited in a bibliography as:

Office for National Statistics, 1991 Census: Special Workplace Statistics (Set B) [computer file], UK Data Service

Further information

The following pre-defined totals are available from this data set:

There are 9 tables defined for this data set:

The data are available for the following geographies:

Geographies of origin areasGeographies of destination areas
Supported directly
[i]GB Wards 1991[i]GB Wards 1991
Supported via aggregation

Output for geographies that are only supported via aggregation will take longer than for those supported directly

Table frameworks

Table 1: Economic position and age
Total employees and self-employed Economic position
Employees Self-employed
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Total employees and self-employed 1 28 2 29 3 30
16-19 4 31 5 32 6 33
20-29 7 34 8 35 9 36
30-39 10 37 11 38 12 39
40-49 13 40 14 41 15 42
50-54 16 43 17 44 18 45
55-59 19 46 20 47 21 48
60-64 22 49 23 50 24 51
65+ 25 52 26 53 27 54

Table 2: Hours worked and family position
Total employees and self-employed Hours worked
15 and under 16-30 31 and over Not stated
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Total employees and self-employed 1 31 2 32 3 33 4 34 5 35
Family head / partner in couple family 6 36 7 37 8 38 9 39 10 40
Lone parent 11 41 12 42 13 43 14 44 15 45
Non-dependent child 16 46 17 47 18 48 19 49 20 50
Not in family 21 51 22 52 23 53 24 54 25 55
Not in household 26 56 27 57 28 58 29 59 30 60

Table 3: Type of workplace
Male Female
Total employees and self-employed 1 9
Workplace postcoded - residence in zone 2 10
Workplace postcoded - residence outside zone 3 11
Workplace at home 4 12
No fixed workplace 5 13
Workplace not stated - armed forces 6 14
Workplace not stated - other 7 15
Residence outside GB 8 16

Table 4: Distance to work
Male Female
Total employees and self-employed with a workplace coded 1 9
Less than 2 km 2 10
2 to 4 km 3 11
5 to 9 km 4 12
10 to 19 km 5 13
20 to 29 km 6 14
30 to 39 km 7 15
More than 40 km 8 16

Table 5: Transport to work
Male Female
Total employees and self-employed 1 12
British Rail train 2 13
Underground 3 14
Bus 4 15
Car Driver 5 16
Car Passenger 6 17
Motor cycle 7 18
Pedal cycle 8 19
On foot 9 20
Not stated 10 21
Works at home 11 22

Table 6: Cars available
Male Female
Total employees and self-employed in a household 1 6
0 cars 2 7
1 car 3 8
2 cars 4 9
3 or more cars 5 10

Table 7: Occupation (sub-major group)
Male Female
Total employees and self-employed 1 25
Managers and Administrators
1(a) Corporate Managers and Administrators 2 26
1(b) Managers / Proprietors in Agriculture Services 3 27
Professional Occupations
2(a) Science and Engineering Professionals 4 28
2(b) Health Professionals 5 29
2(c) Teaching Professionals 6 30
2(d) Other Professional Occupations 7 31
Associate Professional and Technical Occupations
3(a) Science and Engineering Associate Professionals 8 32
3(b) Health Associate Professionals 9 33
3(c) Other Associate Professional Occupations 10 34
Clerical and Secretarial Occupations
4(a) Clerical Occupations 11 35
4(b) Secretarial Occupations 12 36
Craft and Related Occupations
5(a) Skilled Construction Trades 13 37
5(b) Skilled Engineering Trades 14 38
5(c) Other Skilled Trades 15 39
Personal and Protective Services Occupations
6(a) Protective Service Occupations 16 40
6(b) Personal Service Occupations 17 41
Sales Occupations
7(a) Buyers, Brokers and Sales Representatives 18 42
7(b) Other Sales Occupations 19 43
Plant and Machine Operatives
8(a) Industrial Plant and Machine Operators, Assemblers 20 44
8(b) Drivers and Mobile Machine Operators 21 45
Other Occupations
9(a) Other Occupations in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 22 46
9(b) Other Elementary Occupations 23 47
Occupation not stated 24 48

Table 8: Social class and socio-economic group
Male Female
Total employees and self-employed 1 28
Social Class
I Professional etc. occupations 2 29
II Managerial and technical 3 30
III(N) Skilled occupations - non-manual 4 31
III(M) Skilled occupations - manual 5 32
IV Partly Skilled occupations 6 33
V Unskilled occuptations 7 34
Employers and managers in central and local government, industry, commerce, etc. - large establishments
1.1 Employers 8 35
1.2 Managers 9 36
Employers and managers in industry, commerce, etc. - small establishments
2.1 Employers 10 37
2.2 Managers 11 38
Professional workers
3 Professional workers - self-employed 12 39
4 Professional workers - employees 13 40
Intermediate non-manual workers
5.1 Ancillary workers and artists 14 41
5.2 Foremen and supervisors - non-manual 15 42
Other socio-economic groups
6 Junior non-manual workers 16 43
7 Personal service rorkers 17 44
8 Foremen and supervisors - manual 18 45
9 Skilled manual workers 19 46
10 Semi-skilled manual workers 20 47
11 Unskilled manual workers 21 48
12 Own account workers (other than professional) 22 49
13 Farmers - employers and managers 23 50
14 Farmers - own account 24 51
15 Agricultural workers 25 52
16 Members of armed forces 26 53
17 Inadequately described and not stated occupations 27 54

Table 9: Industrial classes and divisions
Male Female
Employees 1 145
0 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 2 146
01 Agriculture and horticulture 3 147
02 Forestry 4 148
03 Fishing 5 149
1 Energy and Water Supply Industries 6 150
11 Coal extraction and manufacture of solid fuels 7 151
12 Coke ovens 8 152
13 Extraction of mineral oil and natural gas 9 153
14 Mineral oil processing 10 154
15 Nuclear fuel production 11 155
16 Production and distribution of electricity, gas and other forms of energy 12 156
17 Water supply industry 13 157
2 Extraction of Minerals and Ores other than Fuels; Manufacture of Metals, Mineral Products and Chemicals 14 158
21 Extraction and preparation of metalliferous ores 15 159
22 Metal manufacturing 16 160
23 Extraction of minerals, not elsewhere specified 17 161
24 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 18 162
25 Chemical industry 19 163
26 Production of man-made fibres 20 164
3 Metal Goods, Engineering and Vehicles Industries 21 165
31 Manufacture of metal goods, not elsewhere specified 22 166
32 Mechanical engineering 23 167
33 Manufacture of office machinery and data processing equipment 24 168
34 Electrical and electronic engineering 25 169
35 Manufacture of motor vehicles and parts thereof 26 170
36 Manufacture of other transport equipment 27 171
37 Instrument engineering 28 172
4 Other Manufacturing Industries 29 173
41 Food, drink and tobacco manufacturing industries 30 174
43 Textile industry 31 175
44 Manufacture of leather and leather goods 32 176
45 Footwear and clothing industries 33 177
46 Timber and wooden furniture industries 34 178
47 Manufacture of paper and paper products; printing and publishing 35 179
48 Processing of rubber and plastics 36 180
49 Other manufacturing industries 37 181
5 Construction 38 182
50 Construction 39 183
6 Distribution, Hotels and Catering; Repairs 40 184
61 Wholesale distribution (except dealing in scrap and waste materials 41 185
62 Dealing in scrap and waste materials 42 186
63 Commission agents 43 187
64 Retail distribution 44 188
66 Hotels and catering 45 189
67 Repair of consumer goods and vehicles 46 190
7 Transport and Communication 47 191
71 Railways 48 192
72 Other inland transport 49 193
74 Sea transport 50 194
75 Air transport 51 195
76 Supporting services to transport 52 196
77 Miscellaneous transport services and storage, not elsewhere specified 53 197
79 Postal services and telecommunications 54 198
8 Banking, Finance, Insurance, Business Services and Leasing 55 199
81 Banking and finance 56 200
82 Insurance, except for compulsory Social Security 57 201
83 Business services 58 202
84 Renting of movables 59 203
85 Owning and dealing in real estate 60 204
9 Other Services 61 205
91 Public administration, national defence, and compulsory Social Services 62 206
92 Sanitary services 63 207
93 Education 64 208
94 Research and development 65 209
95 Medical and other health services: Veterinary services 66 210
96 Other services provided to the general public 67 211
97 Recreational services and other cultural services 68 212
98 Personal services 69 213
99 Domestic services 70 214
00 Diplomatic representation, international organisations, allied armed forces 71 215
Industry not stated or not adequately described 72 216
Self-employed 73 217
0 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 74 218
01 Agriculture and horticulture 75 219
02 Forestry 76 220
03 Fishing 77 221
1 Energy and Water Supply Industries 78 222
11 Coal extraction and manufacture of solid fuels 79 223
12 Coke ovens 80 224
13 Extraction of mineral oil and natural gas 81 225
14 Mineral oil processing 82 226
15 Nuclear fuel production 83 227
16 Production and distribution of electricity, gas and other forms of energy 84 228
17 Water supply industry 85 229
2 Extraction of Minerals and Ores other than Fuels; Manufacture of Metals, Mineral Products and Chemicals 86 230
21 Extraction and preparation of metalliferous ores 87 231
22 Metal manufacturing 88 232
23 Extraction of minerals, not elsewhere specified 89 233
24 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 90 234
25 Chemical industry 91 235
26 Production of man-made fibres 92 236
3 Metal Goods, Engineering and Vehicles Industries 93 237
31 Manufacture of metal goods, not elsewhere specified 94 238
32 Mechanical engineering 95 239
33 Manufacture of office machinery and data processing equipment 96 240
34 Electrical and electronic engineering 97 241
35 Manufacture of motor vehicles and parts thereof 98 242
36 Manufacture of other transport equipment 99 243
37 Instrument engineering 100 244
4 Other Manufacturing Industries 101 245
41 Food, drink and tobacco manufacturing industries 102 246
43 Textile industry 103 247
44 Manufacture of leather and leather goods 104 248
45 Footwear and clothing industries 105 249
46 Timber and wooden furniture industries 106 250
47 Manufacture of paper and paper products; printing and publishing 107 251
48 Processing of rubber and plastics 108 252
49 Other manufacturing industries 109 253
5 Construction 110 254
50 Construction 111 255
6 Distribution, Hotels and Catering; Repairs 112 256
61 Wholesale distribution (except dealing in scrap and waste materials 113 257
62 Dealing in scrap and waste materials 114 258
63 Commission agents 115 259
64 Retail distribution 116 260
66 Hotels and catering 117 261
67 Repair of consumer goods and vehicles 118 262
7 Transport and Communication 119 263
71 Railways 120 264
72 Other inland transport 121 265
74 Sea transport 122 266
75 Air transport 123 267
76 Supporting services to transport 124 268
77 Miscellaneous transport services and storage, not elsewhere specified 125 269
79 Postal services and telecommunications 126 270
8 Banking, Finance, Insurance, Business Services and Leasing 127 271
81 Banking and finance 128 272
82 Insurance, except for compulsory Social Security 129 273
83 Business services 130 274
84 Renting of movables 131 275
85 Owning and dealing in real estate 132 276
9 Other Services 133 277
91 Public administration, national defence, and compulsory Social Services 134 278
92 Sanitary services 135 279
93 Education 136 280
94 Research and development 137 281
95 Medical and other health services: Veterinary services 138 282
96 Other services provided to the general public 139 283
97 Recreational services and other cultural services 140 284
98 Personal services 141 285
99 Domestic services 142 286
00 Diplomatic representation, international organisations, allied armed forces 143 287
Industry not stated or not adequately described 144 288