Flow Data Information System

1991 Census: Sample Migration Data

The 1991 SMS refer to counts of individuals who were in existence 12 months before the Census and who were resident at a different usual residence on 21 April 1991 to that a year previously.

A subset of SMS Set 2 migrant flows (persons) within and between districts has been created where the flows have been "blurred" from the original totals by adding or subtracting 0-5% on a random basis. This is referred to as the SMS sample migration data.

In order to encourage use of the interaction data, WICID has been designed to allow non-registered users to access the system, find out what data sets are available and discover how to use the interface software. ONS have given permission for users to extract and download data from the SMS sample migration data without needing to be registered to use the SMS/SWS.

All the 1991 SMS data have been derived from the 100% sample and include imputed households.


Flowerdew, R. and Green, A. (1993) Migration, transport and workplace statistics from the 1991 Census, in Dale, A. and Marsh, C. (eds) The 1991 Census User's Guide, HMSO, London: 269-94.

Citation information

The following statements should be attached to all output produced using this data set

Data from this set should be cited in a bibliography as:

Office for National Statistics, 1991 Census: Sample Migration Data [computer file], UK Data Service

Further information

This data type is derived from:

The following pre-defined totals are available from this data set:

There are 1 tables defined for this data set:

The data are available for the following geographies:

Geographies of origin areasGeographies of destination areas
Supported directly
[i]GB Districts 1991
[i]GB Counties 1991
[i]GB Standard Regions 1991
[i]GB Districts 1991
[i]GB Counties 1991
[i]GB Standard Regions 1991
Supported via aggregation
[i]GB Countries 1991
[i]GB Standard Region Urban / Rural components
[i]DETR 99 zone system
[i]Great Britain
[i]CIDS 1991/2001 common geography - 'districts'
[i]CIDS 1991/2001 common geography - 'intermediate'
[i]CIDS 1991/2001 common geography - '100 zones'
[i]CIDS 1991/2001 common geography - 'city regions'
[i]GB Countries 1991
[i]GB Standard Region Urban / Rural components
[i]DETR 99 zone system
[i]Great Britain
[i]CIDS 1991/2001 common geography - 'districts'
[i]CIDS 1991/2001 common geography - 'intermediate'
[i]CIDS 1991/2001 common geography - '100 zones'
[i]CIDS 1991/2001 common geography - 'city regions'

Output for geographies that are only supported via aggregation will take longer than for those supported directly

Table frameworks

Table 1: All migrants: persons (blurred)
Count 1