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Table of contents
Slide 1
ESRC project on Combining Migration Data in England and Wales
A general log-linear model for combining migration data
Log-linear models for origin, destination and age migration flow tables
Ethnic migration
Reported proportions of NHS interregional migration in England by sex, 1991-2007
Age patterns of NHS interregional migration in England by sex, 1991 and 2007
Adjustment ratios for NHS migration data
Basic framework
Identifying the ethnic migration model: Analysis of Census 2001 data structures
Model specification
Results: Estimated levels of South Asian, Black and Chinese & Other interregional migration in England, 1991-2007
Results: Estimated interregional migration from London by ethnicity, 1991-2007
Results: Estimated interregional migration from South East by ethnicity, 1991-2007
Results: Estimated age-specific migration of female South Asians: 1991, 1999 and 2007
Slide 19
Age patterns of PRDS inter-county migration in England by sex, 1999 and 2007
Identifying the economic activity migration model
Results: Overall levels of migration by economic activity groups, 1999-2007
Results: Spatial patterns of employee and inactive migration from Greater Manchester (top 10 flows), 1999
Results: Spatial patterns of student migration from Greater Manchester and Hampshire (top 10 flows), 1999
Results: Spatial patterns of retired migration from Greater Manchester and Hampshire (top 10 flows), 1999
Slide 26
Slide 27
Future work
Contact information