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ETHNIC MIGRATION IN BRITAIN: Analyses of census data at district and ward scales John Stillwell and Adam Dennett School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT Presentation at the Session on ‘Migration, Mixing and Ethnic Integration’ at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference, University of Manchester 26-28 August 2009
Brief context
Slide 5
Firstly…… something about data
Ethnic groups used
Ethnic population concentration: location quotients in 2001 by decile across 408 districts
How much ethnic group migration occurred in GB during 2000-01?
Do migration rates vary by ethnic group?
Are there age variations in migration rates and shares by ethnic group?
Slide 12
Slide 13
Slide 14
Slide 15
How does migration effectiveness vary between ethnic groups?
White and non-White migration effectiveness (Di-Oi)/(Di+Oi)*100
Ethnic migration effectiveness ranked by district
Slide 19
Connectivity scores between districts in Britain and London by ethnic group
Migration connectivity of London boroughs for whites and blacks in London
Mean migration distance and frictional effect of distance on migration in London
Slide 23
Ethnic migration outside of London
Is there evidence of ethnic de-concentration in provincial Britain?
Ward – Region net migration patterns
Slide 27
Net migration (ward to other regions), White
Net migration (ward to same region), POSA
Net migration (ward to other regions), POSA
Slide 31
Does ethnic migration vary by deprivation?
Are system-wide patterns replicated across all regions?
Slide 35
Slide 36
Contact details
Net migration (ward to same region), Indian
Net migration (ward to other regions), Indian
Net migration (ward to same region), Black
Net migration (ward to other regions), Black