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Table of contents
What is WICID?
Census 2001 interaction data sets
Geographical units used in 2001 SMS/SWS/STS
Data tables and counts compared with 1991
Tables and counts in the 2001 and 1991 interaction data sets
Tables and counts from 2001 SMS Level 1 and 1991 SMS Set 2
Adjustment for disclosure control
Impact of SCAM on output area flows
Impact of SCAM: e.g. on distribution of interior cell values in SMS Table MG301 (excluding Scotland)
Other effects of SCAM
Impact of SCAM when comparing tables: e.g. SMS at level 2
Comparing total migrants in MG201 and MG203: distribution of absolute differences between alternative totals
Impact of SCAM when comparing flows between spatial scales
Net migration comparison for London boroughs
WICID interface developments
WICID home page
WICID general query interface
Example of a query
Technical details
What new facilities have been developed in WICID?
When choosing origins or destinations, users are confronted with a set of alternative selection tools
Slide 24
Example: Selection of City of London as a destination
Analytical Tools
Example: Migration effectiveness by ethnic group for GO regions, 2000-01
Using the 2001 data: some examples
Slide 29
The importance of disaggregating net migration for London boroughs, 2000-01
Net migration (GL only), selected ethnic groups, 2000-01
Example 2: Migration flows and net balances by age group for London, 2000-01
Net migration effectiveness by age, London, 2000-01
Example 3: Connectivity within London
Out-migration and in-commuting connectivity for London boroughs by ethnic group, 2001
Acknowledgement CIDS is funded by the ESRC/JISC under Census Programme Research Grant H507255177