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Table of contents
Slide 1
Several big questions
Previous academic work: Literature
What about studies of linkage?
Linkage in the USA
‘Push’ and ‘Pull’
2001 Census population and migration data: aggregate statistics
Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11
Slide 12
Slide 13
Slide 14
Slide 15
Internal migration between and within districts by ethnic group, 2000-01
Spatial patterns: ethnic distribution, immigration and internal migration
Slide 18
Districts with either over 30% or under 0.6% non-white residents
Slide 21
Slide 22
Slide 23
Net migration flows summed for type of local authority by ethnic group
Net migration balances for whites and non-whites
Indices of connectivity and inequality
Slide 28
Slide 29
Slide 30
Slide 31
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