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Table of contents
Web Access to Census Interaction Data
The Challenge
Slide 7
Interaction Data Sets for 1991
Interaction Data Sets for 1981
Importance of interaction data in planning
System Architecture
Metadata Structure
Features of the WICID Interface Login in screen
WICID General Query screen
WICID Area Selection Tools
Slide 16
WICID List Area Selection Tool
WICID Data Selection Tools
WICID Data Selection Options
Slide 21
WICID Data extraction
WICID Output Planner
WICID Output Previewer
Some examples of data extraction: Query 1: Migrants from Greece to GB by age
Age profile of migrants from Greece, 1990-91
Districts receiving most migrants from Greece, 1990-91
Slide 29
Query: Journey to work flows between zones by social class, 1991
Slide 31
Slide 32
Slide 33
Slide 34
Conclusions/Next steps