Flow Data Information System

Geography: 2001 ONS LAD Classification - Subgroup

Number,Label,Subgroup code
1,Regional Centres - A,1.1.1
2,Centres with Industry - A,1.2.2
3,Centres with Industry - B,1.2.3
4,Thriving London Periphery - A,1.3.4
5,Thriving London Periphery - B,1.3.5
6,London Suburbs - A,2.4.6
7,London Suburbs - B,2.4.7
8,London Centre - A,3.5.8
9,London Centre - B,3.5.9
10,London Cosmopolitan - A,4.6.10
11,London Cosmopolitan - B,4.6.11
12,Prospering Smaller Towns - A,5.7.12
13,Prospering Smaller Towns - B,5.7.13
14,Prospering Smaller Towns - C,5.7.14
15,New and Growing Towns - A,5.8.15
16,Prospering Southern England - A,5.9.16
17,Coastal and Countryside - A,6.10.17
18,Coastal and Countryside - B,6.10.18
19,Coastal and Countryside - C,6.10.19
20,Industrial Hinterlands - A,7.11.20
21,Industrial Hinterlands - B,7.11.21
22,Manufacturing Towns - A,7.12.22
23,Manufacturing Towns - B,7.12.23
24,Northern Ireland Countryside - A,8.13.24